Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas and sloppy joes

Tonight we had sloppy joes. Each kid has 1½. WOW!! I thought their faces were so cute that I had to post a pic.

We lit a fire in the fireplace today. Yes, it's real wood, not gas. They were so excited! Both kids sat there by the fire and watched the flames for a while. And in case you're wondering... yes, my son is naked in almost every picture b/c he hates clothing. I need to figure out a way to keep him in clothes but I haven't figured it out yet. lol!


Erica said...

So cute! We have been thinking about building a fireplace in our house. We used to have a gas fireplace, but we sold it. I grew up with a wood stove, but my parents left the doors open and I have fond memories of cooking over the fire- that's why I love camping so much and fires in our backyard.
Thanks for sharing!!

C Ballard Family said...

What are we going to do...we are going to take each day one at a time and we have each other to "whine and dine" if necessary. Hopefully Paul will not always work nights. :(