Friday, April 6, 2012

Kitchen remodel part I: Removing of the tile

This is where we started -- well, almost. You can see that we started removing some in that far corner.

The kids had fun crackling up the tiles so we could remove them. Yes, those are socks on my children's hands. They had no work gloves so socks were used instead. ;)

This kitchen will certainly not win any beauty contests anytime soon  but I'm excited that we got the tile off.

Now we get to decide if this is worth saving or if we should go with laminate flooring.... oh the decisions!


Adelina Priddis said...

oooo, nice! That would've been a good hardwood too, if not for that one strip! Some people confuse me, lol. We've run in to some pretty interesting things in our house.

Lin Ryals said...

There were two strips like that, you just can't see the other one in the picture.... "/