Monday, January 2, 2012

FHE (thank you Pinterest)

Okay, I'm sorry to all of those whom I have teased for using Pinterest. I thought it was just a bunch of pictures of crafts but it's not. There are how-to's for organization, recipes, building things. DIY projects... awesome! Anyways, tonight for dinner we had this:
It is not very healthy at all but it is oh so yummy! I tried to balance it out by serving it with a salad. The recipe came from Pinterest. LOL! But you can get it from the blog here.

Then, I got the FHE lesson from... wait for it... Pinterest. :) You can get it here. Basically, I wrapped a Book of Mormon and let the kids watch a video about Joseph Smith getting the plates. Then I talked about my present and how I wanted to know what was inside it. So, I let the kids open it and then we talked about the "gifts" inside the Book of Mormon and how we're going to read it as a family together to find them. We read the New Testament last year together so this should be fun! :)

Finally... dessert. I bet you won't guess where I got that recipe from either. Okay, I just won't say but you're probably right. ;) Here's the recipe. Basically, we each made our own cake in a mug. Yes, you read that right... in a mug! haha! Crazy, right? My kids thought it was awesome! They got to make their own individual cake.

We learned quickly that we needed a saucer under each of ours. Apparently our mugs are smaller than the person's who wrote the recipe but that's okay. The kids thought it was cook to watch them overflow down the sides. We just mix them and cook them in the microwave for two minutes. So much fun for the kids. None of us could each that much cake but that's okay. We just have dessert for tomorrow night too. ;)