Friday, March 27, 2009

Food Storage -- Rice Pilaf

I decided I really needed to become diligent with working on my food storage. I have decided to do 1 food storage meal/week and buy double the items for it that way part of it can go in food storage and then we will be used to eating that item to so if we ever have to survive off of it there won't be such a shock to our systems.

For those of you who don't know Latter-day Saints (mormons) are encouraged to have 1 year supply of food in case of an emergency (job loss, disability, depression, snow storm, hurricane, disability, end of the world ;). Anyways!! haha!

I am going to work on my 3 month supply and then progress from there. Right now my goal is three months though. Last night we made Rice Pilaf food storage style. All I used was rice, chicken broth, canned chicken, 3 cans of veggies, and dried onions and ta-da!! A meal! It made a ton though so I stuck some in the freezer to use later and the rest is in the fridge for us to eat when the urge strikes. =D

This weekend I'll be attempting a breakfast... I may do it for Sunday morning b/c it's done in the crock pot. Hooray for crock pots!!! =D

1 comment:

A said...

beware the dried onions - they give you some serious gas!