Monday, January 12, 2009

Craftivities-- balloons day 1

Collin and I have always done some sort of craft or something following a general theme for the week. Since he's 3 years old now I thought we should up it a notch. I have planned out the weeks of January and themes for the rest of the year. This week the theme is balloons. Here is what we did for the day.

Movement: We tied balloons to the ceiling and Collin had to jump and stretch to knock them around. He really seemed to enjoy this.
Science: We learned about static electricity. We rubbed the balloons on our shirts and heads and stuck them to the wall or made our hair stick up. Collin and Ronni both had tons of fun w/ this one. As the static was wearing off the balloons the kids would laugh as the balloon "crawled" down the wall.

Crafts: We used fingerprints for balloons...

then added the strings. =D

I think our first day was a success. I was told by a friend that she thought it would be too heavy for him but he had a blast!! He didn't want us to stop. =D Hope he's ready for more balloons tomorrow. I'll try to keep them posted on here in case anyone wants to borrow ideas. =D

1 comment:

Erica said...

HEHE! How cute!!! This is a great idea and fun too!! Way to go mama!! Thanks for sharing!! I love sharing mommy ideas