Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolution--- be more frugal.

Okay, for this new year, my goal is to be more frugal. This means I'll need to learn a lot of new things. Here is my list...

1. Learn to bake breads successfully (I rarely get it to rise right).
2. Learn to make more snacks instead of giving my kids packaged snacks from the store.
3. Incorporate the 30 Day Want list into our lives. No spontaneous shopping anymore. When we want to get something then it goes on the list with a date by it. After 30 days, if we still want it, then we get it.
4. Continue to use cloth feminine products and the Diva cup. I've been using them for years. It cost me about a dollar to make 8 feminine napkins. So easy! They can be used over and over again.
5. Learn to reinvent leftovers to new meals so people will eat them.
6. Set a budget for a monthly allowance at thrift shops. This will give me a chance to learn to repurpose. This will also be our clothing budget so I better get some good deals. $30/ month is what I've allotted. We'll see how I do.
7. Make all cleaning products myself. This includes soaps, detergents and any "pampering products" I may need like lotions, scrubs, and such.
8. Only eat out for special treats. Last year it was a monthly tradition.
9. Have a no-screen day one day per week.
10. Use candles more in the evenings.

This is what I am starting with. Some of these things e already do so hopefully it won't be too hard. We will see.

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