Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas is here!!!
Collin and I decorated for Christmas during Ronni's nap. She looked so excited when she came into the living room afterwards and found a Christmas tree w/ the lights. Woo-hoo! What excitement!
Here is Ronni examining a snowman a little more closely.
These are our stockings. I had to buy Ronni's today so hers doesn't have a gingerbread girl on it but from L to R they are Dad, Mom, David, and Collin's. We'll have to get the gingerbread girl from my MIL to sew on for Ronni's. =D
Here are all the stockings lined up from L to R they are: Dad, Mom, David, Collin, Ronni, the cats (they share one), and Arwen (the dog). Ralf (the fish) doesn't get one. ;)
Kenzie's B-day
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving/Turkey Trot
Well folks! I did it!! I ran in the Cyber Turkey Trot. That basically means I ran the 5K and then posted it on a site w/ other moms doing the same thing. The closest Turkey Trot to us was 3 hours away and I had to be at work at 1 and just didn't want to. Since I'm a newbie anyways it just wasn't worth it. This was much less pressure and still provided the motivation I needed.
Anyways.... my time was 33:33 which wasn't great but not too bad either. My pace was about 11:11... still not great. My goal is 10:00. The first mile I ran in 9:42 but I started slowing down from there.
After I ran I hung out w/ the family for a little while before going to work. Work was rough -- we had a really sick dog there and we ended up having to euthanize him.
After work we ate at my mom's w/ my sis and her family too. I definitely ate too much! How was everyone else's Thanksgiving??
We learned that Ronni LOVES sweet potato casserole and Collin really only eats mac and cheese and rolls. Silly kid!
Anyways.... my time was 33:33 which wasn't great but not too bad either. My pace was about 11:11... still not great. My goal is 10:00. The first mile I ran in 9:42 but I started slowing down from there.
After I ran I hung out w/ the family for a little while before going to work. Work was rough -- we had a really sick dog there and we ended up having to euthanize him.
After work we ate at my mom's w/ my sis and her family too. I definitely ate too much! How was everyone else's Thanksgiving??
We learned that Ronni LOVES sweet potato casserole and Collin really only eats mac and cheese and rolls. Silly kid!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twi-hard Goes Crazy!!
Birthday presents
2 dolls
Tad (the frog -- he sings, dances, lights up, and all kinds of stuff)
clipos (the lego things but they're for younger kids)
a thing that plays music, lights up and the gears spin in circles (not pictured)
of course her favorite of all --- a phone... LOL!
She also got several outfits. All in all -- I think Ronni scored very well. =D
Friday, November 21, 2008
TWILIGHT -- the movie *spoilers*
There may be possible spoilers in this so if you haven't seen the movie and are planning to you may not want to continue. I'm going to try not to give too much away though ;)
Overall... I thought they did a really great job. It was done as a low budget film and you can tell. When I read the books I saw Bella and Edward as happier people then they are portrayed in the movie. Also.... they left out some of my favorite scenes... the blood typing scene in the biology room and the scene after they meet James and Bella is formulating their plan of escape and Emmit decides he really likes her b/c she's "diabolical". LOL! That's just a few. They shortened her hiding out time w/ Alice and Jasper by... a lot. You didn't get to know them as well as you do in the book --- in fact, you don't get to know a lot of them. It does show Edward playing Bella's Lullaby but if you didn't read the books and don't know that's what he's doing then you'd never know. They never say "I love you." The day that Bella is asked out by three different guys is barely touched on and really only is asked by Mike... Eric starts too but is interupted and Tyler never even tries so of course Edward doesn't get to act all sneaky and stop him. hehe
Stephenie Meyers plays an "extra" in a cafe scene. Oh! that's something else. Bella doesn't cook for Charlie in the movie, they eat at a diner all the time. The guy who plays Charlie is awesome -- I loved him. Alice is JUST like a pictured her. Just like a pixie! There are several direct quotes in the movie but they did have to combine a lot and the movie felt rushed (similar to how a lot of the Harry Potter movies went). As I said earlier.... I totally think it was worth seeing and I recommend it to any Twi-hards out there. They have to make 2 million dollars in order for Summit to approve making New Moon so go see it and if you have the money then go see it again!!
Overall... I thought they did a really great job. It was done as a low budget film and you can tell. When I read the books I saw Bella and Edward as happier people then they are portrayed in the movie. Also.... they left out some of my favorite scenes... the blood typing scene in the biology room and the scene after they meet James and Bella is formulating their plan of escape and Emmit decides he really likes her b/c she's "diabolical". LOL! That's just a few. They shortened her hiding out time w/ Alice and Jasper by... a lot. You didn't get to know them as well as you do in the book --- in fact, you don't get to know a lot of them. It does show Edward playing Bella's Lullaby but if you didn't read the books and don't know that's what he's doing then you'd never know. They never say "I love you." The day that Bella is asked out by three different guys is barely touched on and really only is asked by Mike... Eric starts too but is interupted and Tyler never even tries so of course Edward doesn't get to act all sneaky and stop him. hehe
Stephenie Meyers plays an "extra" in a cafe scene. Oh! that's something else. Bella doesn't cook for Charlie in the movie, they eat at a diner all the time. The guy who plays Charlie is awesome -- I loved him. Alice is JUST like a pictured her. Just like a pixie! There are several direct quotes in the movie but they did have to combine a lot and the movie felt rushed (similar to how a lot of the Harry Potter movies went). As I said earlier.... I totally think it was worth seeing and I recommend it to any Twi-hards out there. They have to make 2 million dollars in order for Summit to approve making New Moon so go see it and if you have the money then go see it again!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
First B-day cakes!
Yes, she has gifts... We are waiting until tomorrow to open them when Paul will be home so expect more pics tomorrow! ;) This should be enough to get you started though. =D
This is another thing we did for her b-day. I haven't let her have any popsicles for a little while b/c it's been so cold. When she eats them her little chin quivers b/c she's cold. Since it's her b-day I thought I'd give in but I made her wear her coat. I only gave her half of one -- normally she can eat an entire one all by herself. Isn't she so cute. I handed it to her in that spot and she didn't move until she was done. She was concentrating too hard. hehe!
Birthday Cake!!
So... today Ronni is 1 YEAR OLD!!! Woo-hoo!! I wanted to make her a cake and I knew Collin would want to help somehow. I decided we would make a large cookie and cover it w/ cool-whip and M&Ms. I baked the cookie and let it cool. Collin then spread the cool-whip and put the M&Ms on it all by himself... I mean all by himself. I stood there and watched, determined not to intervene. It was messy but he had fun and he's so proud of it. He keeps saying, "Ronni will love her birthday cake, Mom." He keeps checking on it to make sure it's okay. She's sleeping right now ;). More pictures later once gifts are opened... yay!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Autumn in South Carolina
Family photo & TP
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Bought my tickets today!
We bought our tickets to Twilight the movie today! Yay! We were told to get them now b/c they are worried they will be sold out. We're going opening day (11/21/08). Paul even took off from work and I already have a babysitter lined up (thanks, Mom! ;). I can't wait. Counting down the days now. I have a counter on the side. Yipee! It's almost here!
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