Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wild Turkey Federation

Collin had the opportunity to do a conservation project at the Wild Turkey Federation. Paul took him. Here are some pictures and I'll do my best to explain what's going on in them. :) I wasn't there so I've asked Collin.

This was the shooting range. I thought it was very interesting. It was like a bouncy house or something. It was just BBs so Paul said it didn't pop the canvas.  He has very good aim. He didn't even miss the paper. YAY!! Of course, I hear the paper was only about 5' away but Collin was very excited that most of his shots were near the center of the bulls eye. ;)

Oh yes, Collin loved shooting the arrow. He thought this was the coolest!

This was Collin's target. He got the bear once in the tummy. So, it was a little harder to aim the bow and arrow but still cool! :)

He learned how to light a fire with the fire starter.... the stick thingy. No matches or lighter. He thought this was cool, too! :)

Fur... the kids got to feel animal fur.

Helicopter simulation. I heard this was pretty cool. :)

This was the group out on the actual project. There were two packs working together. They were digging holes for the posts and putting the blue jay houses up. Cool!

After they were finished, Paul and Collin went out for pizza. :) I think they had a fun boys' day out.

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