Thursday, September 3, 2015

A day in the life of ME! :)

A friend posted on Facebook what a day looks like in her day, so I thought I'd post one about a day in my life. :) 
I wake up at 6:30/7 and work out.
Then I take the dogs out and feed them breakfast.

Then, I cook breakfast. The kids wanted cinnamon toast this morning so that's what they're eating. 

Chore time!! That means I do my chores and make sure the kids do theirs. Sometimes, I think it'd be easier if I did them all but the kids must learn how to do them too. ;) 

9am we start school and normally begin with math. Collin is watching a video on place value through the millions.

We made a place value flip chart earlier this week so he was playing a game with it with the dice.

Rainbow Spelling words. Ryanne was practicing her spelling words.

Ryanne has been reviewing numbers through a hundred so we played BINGO. 

Around 10 we take a short break. This is my opportunity to work on Cub Scout lesson planning.

The kids went outside to play for a little while and had a snack from the snack box.

They also somehow managed to break my kitchen window. Grrrr....

Then they played on the trampoline for a while. 

At 10:30 I had them come in for read aloud time. We're reading The Guardians of Ga'Hoole: The Capture. Our dogs things read aloud time = nap time. haha!

On Wednesday we always do a movie. We watch a movie and then I ask questions about characters, plot, settings...etc. Today we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Pt 1. The kids were in tears at the end. 

Lunch time!

Back to school. Ryanne is working on phonics.

While the kids work on independent work I normally tinker on the piano and sing. I have to keep it up or I lose it, right?

Collin reads his independent read for literature. Ryanne reads to me. 

Ryanne working on a worksheet.

In science Collin will be working on presentation on Beavers on Power Point so today he got to play around with power point and learn how things work on it. Tomorrow, he has to actually start. 

Extra-curricular activity time. 4pm is tap, 5:30 Collin to TaeKwonDo, 7:00pm is Cub Scouts, and at 7:30 is Paul's TaeKwonDo. Wednesday nights get crazy. Ryanne has Dance on Collin has TaeKwonDo on Tues, Wed, and Fri. They both have them on the same days. It gets a little crazy. 

On the way home, I had to go by the grocery store. I realized we were out of trash bags. Oy!

As soon as I got home I had to prepare things for Cub Scouts...

and cook dinner. I also had to figure out time to eat dinner. 

Then to Cub Scouts.

After I got home and cleaned up, time for MY school work.
Yes, I do go to bed.... but not until about 1am or so. So, off to do more of my school work. This was a break to wake me up! YAY!! :D

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